Jal Jeevan Mission Activities

Jal Jeevan Mission Activities

A Village Action Plan (VAP)¹⁰ will be prepared by Gram Panchayat or its sub-committee, i.e. VWSC/ Paani
Samiti/ User Group, etc. with support from ISA, PHED/ RWS Department, DWSM based on baseline survey, resource mapping and felt needs of the village community. It will include the following:

  • History of  water  supply/  availability  in  the village, details of any drought/ scarcity/ cyclone/ flood or any other natural calamity pattern; history of any emergency arrangements like water supply through tankers, trains, etc.; history of part works related to water supply, source strengthening, general trend of water availability, major water-borne diseases;
  • Existing status of village water supply including source, water quality issues, if any, and O&M arrangement;
  • Current availability  of  water  in  water  source  (yield measured) and its long-term sustainability;
  • Need assessment of water required in village   and the available resources. Based on this, decision to be made for construction of Single Village Scheme (SVS) or part of Multi Village Scheme (MVS);
  • Number of existing FHTCs and number of FHTCs yet to be provided in all habitations;
  • Willingness including affordability of people to contribute towards partial capital cost in cash/ kind and/ or labour and regular contribution towards O&M;
  • Capacity building of members of Gram Panchayat and/ or its sub-committee, i.e. VWSC/ Paani Samiti/ User Group, etc., barefoot technicians, awareness generation among community on judicious use of water and change in living standards;
  • Location of proposed water source, washing/ bathing places, cattle trough, finalization of technology option, implementation schedule, long-term O&M plan, etc.;
  • Ensuring availability of land in favour of Gram Panchayat and/ or its sub-committee, i.e. VWSC/ Paani Samiti/ User Group, etc. for construction of in-village water supply infrastructure;
  • Overall roles and responsibility of Gram Panchayat and/ or its sub-committee, i.e. VWSC/ Paani Samiti/ User Group, etc. and its members and linkage with DWSM, SWSM, ISA, agency, PHED/ RWS Department; plan for providing water to public institutions, viz. school, anganwadi centre, health centre, GP building, etc. in the village;
  • Identify barefoot technician for minimal repair works, O&M, etc.;
  • Identify dedicated persons in village to conduct water quality tests through Field Test Kits and train for the same;
  • Greywater management measures; xv.) schedule for sanitary inspection; xvi.)      water safety and security plan.

Gram Panchayat and/ or its sub-committee, i.e. VWSC/ Paani Samiti/ User Group, etc. to ensure participation of village community including all its habitations, ISA, DWSM, PHED/ RWS Department., etc. in Gram Sabha. The VAP will be approved in the Gram Sabha, when 80% of the village community present in the meeting agree to the prepared plan. VAP will then be submitted to DWSM for further action. Technical approval will be accorded by the PHED/ RWS Department/ Board.

District Action Plan (DAP)

DWSM will be responsible for preparation and finalization of District Action Plan (DAP)¹¹ which will include:

  • Strategic plan for FHTC to all rural households by 2024, along with quarterly and annual plan;
  • Aggregation of all VAPs received;
  • Analysis and preparation of database of the various components emerging from VAPs;
  • Timelines for all the  activities  identified  for FHTCs coverage and financial requirement. The overall human resource requirement at different levels will be part of DAP including their capacity building;
  • Identification of villages where water supply system will be based on local water source, require retrofitting/ augmentation and/ or require water supply from surface water;
  • Identification of in-situ traditional harvesting techniques/ structures to be revived and renovated for augmenting drinking water supply;
  • Estimation of type of water sources,  rising mains, treatment facilities required, elevated storage reservoirs, sumps, water pumps, solar  panels, distribution network, FHTCs, washing/ bathing places, cattle troughs, Greywater treatment and reuse measures, source sustainability measures, etc. required within the district and its cost;
  • Identification of number of ISAs required out of empanelled ISAs, plan for their deployment and ensure availability in the village from the start of VAP preparation;
  • Plan for capacity building, training, third party inspection, O&M, and IEC activities;
  • Identify sources of convergence to meet the requirements emerging from VAP;
  • Plan for NABL accreditation of district water quality testing lab and identify models for block/ village level water quality testing;
  • Overall cost of DAP and timelines containing  fund requirements and outputs;
  • O&M for both in-village as well as  regional water supply, financial and institutional requirement and arrangement;
  • Submission of final DAP to SWSM;

State Action Plan (SAP)

The State Action Plan (SAP)¹² needs to be prepared with an objective of achieving overall state drinking water security in such a way; as to avoid arranging water supply through tankers/ trains, hand pump installation, etc. in any village.
The SAP will be prepared and finalized by SWSM with the help of PHED/ RWS Department based on DAPs.

  • Priority is to be accorded to retrofit existing infrastructure, viz. completed piped water supply schemes and ongoing piped water supply schemes are to be identified, taken up and completed in the first two financial years. Further, priority is to be accorded to provide FHTCs by March, 2021 in water quality-affected areas, JE-AES areas, DDP areas, DPAP areas, Aspirational districts, and Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) villages;
  • Efforts to be made to improve the water availability locally by using rainwater harvesting, artificial recharge of drinking water sources, through convergence of resources and efforts, etc.;

To achieve the national target by 2024, JJM will follow a project approach. For this, SAPs will be prepared for a period up to 2024, inter alia which covers overall strategic plan, modalities for implementation, activities to be taken up, outputs to be achieved along with timelines, annual financial outlay, etc. The Strategic plan under SAP will detail source sustainability, functionality, monitoring, 3rd party inspections for implementation, water measurement, Greywater management and comprehensive O&M plan for the system. The SAP will be considered and approved by DDWS based on consultations with the respective State/ UT. Based on SAP, funding  arrangement to be made.

The Annual Action Plan (AAP) of the State/ UT will emerge from the approved SAP firming up the physical and financial district-wise targets and will be submitted to DDWS/ NJJM. The AAP will be approved by DDWS/ NJJM based on consultation with the respective State/ UT and funds will be released keeping in view the achievements under Annual Action Plan (AAP).