About Bundelkhand/Vindhya Project

About Bundelkhand/Vindhya Project

This state government project is launched with a single motive to address water crisis issues in Bundelkhand/Vindhya region to supply piped water to households.

The Government of Uttar Pradesh started this project to ensure the supply of clean drinking water to every household of Bundelkhand/Vindhya region. Also, the government put its main focus to the remote areas of the region. Under Bundelkhnad region seven districts viz Jhansi, Mahoba, Lalitpur, Jalaun, Hamirpur, Banda and Chitrakoot are covered. Total 891 revenue villages out of 4513 of aforesaid districts are marked under this project whereas remaining 3622 revenue villages are targeted under the schemes which are being planned.

We have target of benefiting the uncovered areas of Bundelkhand/Vindhya region also under the project by 2022.

The areas under the Bundelkhand/Vindhya region are some of the most water-scarce areas in India. As per the reports it is found that very less percentage of the rural population in Uttar Pradesh has access to piped water supply. Many residents are bound to walk Kilometers to access water that may not be potable, which leads to water-borne disease many times.

Through this project we plan, survey and design the detailed reports for the water supply scheme, including analyzing the sustainability of the ground or surface water source, water allocation and environmental constraints.

Piped Drinking Water Scheme for Bundelkhand region

  • State government has launched an ambitious project to provide pure and safe piped drinking water to all the settlements of the rural areas of Bundelkhand/Vindhya region which are not covered with drinking water.
  • 891 revenue villages out of total 4513 revenue villages of district Jhansi, Mahoba, Lalitpur, Jalaun, Hamirpur, Banda and Chitrakoot of Bundelkhand region are completely covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • To provide pure drinking water to 3,622 revenue villages of 07 non-covered districts, total 479 schemes are being planned based on ground water/surface sources.  A population of 67 lakh will be benefited with the above 479 schemes.
  • Total Rs. 10,322.42 Crore are expected to be used in construction of these schemes.
  • Rural areas of Bundelkhand/Vindhya region which are not covered are targeted to benefit with piped drinking water scheme till the year 2022.
  • Selection process of contractors is done by inviting tenders through e-tendering system for the construction of drinking water projects. Operation and maintenance of the projects will be looked after by the selected contractors till 10 years after completing the project in time bound manner.
  •  All the families of revenue villages under the scheme will be covered with FHTC and stand post has also been provisioned at public places as per need.

District wise details of proposed rural pipeline drinking water schemes in Bundelkhand region


District Total number of revenue villages Total existing population (Rural) Number of revenue villages already covered with piped drinking water schemes Total existing population already covered with piped drinking water schemes Number of schemes for covering the remaining revenue villages Number of revenue villages to be benefited with the schemes Exiting population to be benefited with the schemes Total cost of schemes (In Crore Rs.)
  Jhansi 755 1398142 111 255893 10 0 10 644 1142249 1702.21
  Mahoba 435 781706 71 113046 5 0 5 364 668660 1297.68
  Lalitpur 691 1192683 132 204994 16 12 28 559 987689 1661.76
  Jalaun 942 1410892 141 179799 4 270 274 801 1231093 1423.49
  Hamirpur 491 1028602 153 396398 2 125 127 338 632204 816.44
  Banda 663 1637929 166 423747 2 28 30 497 1214182 2205.79
  Chitrakoot 536 984938 117 194967 4 1 5 419 789971 1215.05
  Total 4513 8434892 891 1768844 43 436 479 3622 6666048 10322.42

District Jhansi

  • Total 755 revenue villages exist in district Jhansi whose population is 13,98,142 11 revenue villages out of above mentioned revenue villages with the population of 2,55,893, are already covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • Total 10 surface source based rural piped drinking water schemes are being constructed to cover the remaining revenue villages of district Jhansi. 
  • Total 11,42,249 existing population of 644 revenue villages of district Jhansi is to be benefited with these 10 schemes.
  • Total project cost of 10 schemes, which are to be constructed in the district, is Rs. 1,702.21 Crore.

Details of Rural Piped Drinking Water Schemes in District Jhansi

Ser. No. District Name of scheme Proposed source for scheme Number of benefited revenue villages Existing population to be benefited Project cost (In Crore Rs.)
  Jhansi Budhpura village Group piped drinking water scheme Matateela Dam 62 165472 254.76
  Jhansi Tilhata village Group piped drinking water scheme Pareecha Dam 31 44091 70.92
  Jhansi Bachouli Khurd village Group piped drinking water scheme Pareecha Dam 50 78011 119.75
  Jhansi Gulara village Group piped drinking water scheme Pareecha Dam 46 61475 103.29
  Jhansi Kuraicha village Group piped drinking water scheme Saprar Dam 72 156731 246.17
  Jhansi Barwar village Group piped drinking water scheme Barwar Dam 57 80970 127.70
  Jhansi Barthari village Group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 117 172952 219.13
  Jhansi Tehraka village Group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 93 142422 220.92
  Jhansi Imlota village Group piped drinking water scheme Lehchura Dam 84 164869 243.85
  Jhansi Purwan (Chakara)  village Group piped drinking water scheme Lehchura Dam 32 75256 95.72
  Total 644 1142249 1702.21


  • Total 435 revenue villages are in district Mahoba whose existing population is 7,81,706. 71 revenue villages out of above mentioned revenue villages whose existing population is 1,13,046 are already covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • Total 05 surface source based rural piped drinking water projects are being constructed to cover the remaining revenue villages of district Mahoba.
  • 6,68,660 existing population of 364 revenue villages of district Mahoba is to be benefited with these 05 schemes.
  • Total project cost of 05 schemes, to be constructed in district Mahoba, is Rs. 1297.68 Crore.

Details of rural piped drinking water schemes in District Mahoba

Ser. No. District Name of scheme Proposed source for scheme Number of benefited revenue villages Existing population to be benefited Project cost (In Crore Rs.)
  Mahoba Lehchura Kashipura Revenue village group piped drinking water scheme Lehchura Dam 76 111024 220.92
  Mahoba Dharwara Sijwaha revenue village group piped drinking water scheme Urmil Dam 91 173389 371.95
  Mahoba Shivhar Revenue village group piped drinking water scheme Chandrawal Dam 63 133450 258.27
  Mahoba Kabrai revenue village group piped drinking water scheme Kabrai Dam 45 93707 171.14
  Mahoba Salaiya Nathupura revenue village group piped drinking water scheme Arjun Dam 89 157090 275.40
  Total 364 668660 1297.68

District Lalitpur

  • Total 691 revenue villages exist in district Lalitpur whose total existing population is 11,92,683.  132 revenue villages out of above mentioned, whose population is 2,04,994, are already covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • To cover the remaining revenue villages of district Lalitpur with piped drinking water, total 16 surface source based and 12 ground water (Tubewell) based rural piped drinking water schemes are being constructed. 
  • Total 9,87,689 population of 559 revenue villages of district Lalitpur is to be benefited with 28 schemes.
  • Total project cost of 28 schemes, to be constructed in the district, is Rs. 1661.76 Crore.

Details of rural piped drinking water schemes in District Lalitpur

Ser. No. District Name of scheme Proposed source for scheme Number of benefited revenue villages Existing population to be benefited Project cost (In Crore Rs.)
  Lalitpur Kachnouda Kalan village group piped drinking water scheme Kachnouda Dam 62 145324 201.74
  Lalitpur Jakhloun Birgha village group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 66 112590 164.88
  Lalitpur Masoura Sindhwaha village group piped drinking water scheme Sajnam Dam 46 94958 158.88
  Lalitpur Lagoun village group piped drinking water scheme Rajghat Dam 51 81544 156.63
  Lalitpur Saidpur-Kumheri village group piped drinking water scheme Jamni Dam 46 83458 137.53
  Lalitpur Gona Narhatvillage group piped drinking water scheme Jamni Dam 54 82349 128.76
  Lalitpur Dhora-Balabehatvillage group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 59 58291 117.45
  Lalitpur Sojna-Gurravillage group piped drinking water scheme Jamrar Dam 31 60461 99.48
  Lalitpur Billa-Mogan village group piped drinking water scheme Bhourath Dam 23 54141 89.82
  Lalitpur Badanpurvillage group piped drinking water scheme Sahjad Dam 31 39228 89.56
  Lalitpur Madawra village group piped drinking water scheme Rohni Dam 17 40372 66.78
  Lalitpur Mauvillage group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 18 22321 52.50
  Lalitpur Kadesar Kalanvillage group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 05 29918 51.45
  Lalitpur Sukul Guvan village group piped drinking water scheme Lower Rohni Dam 16 20526 50.72
  Lalitpur Chandawlivillage group piped drinking water scheme Bhawani Dam 17 28092 43.33
  Lalitpur Torivillage group piped drinking water scheme Bandhai Dam 19 24997 33.01
  Lalitpur Ground Water Based 12 Schemes Ground Water (Tube Well) 13 9119 19.24
  Total 574 987689 1661.76

Details of rural piped drinking water schemes in District Lalitpur


  • Total 942 revenue villages exist in district Jalaun whose existing population is 14,10,892. 141 revenue villages out of above mentioned, whose population is 1,79,799, are already covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • Total 04 surface based and 270 ground water (Tube Well) based rural piped drinking water schemes are being constructed to cover the remaining revenue villages of district Jalaun.
  •  A population of 12,31,093 of 801 revenue villages of district Jalaun is to be benefited with 274 schemes.
  • Total project cost of 274 schemes is Rs. 1423.49 Crore, to be constructed in district.

Details of rural piped drinking water schemes in District Lalitpur

Ser. No. District Name of scheme Proposed source for scheme Number of benefited revenue villages Existing population to be benefited Project cost (In Crore Rs.)
  Jalaun Sala village group piped drinking water scheme Betwa River 206 344005 525.94
  Jalaun Raipur village group piped drinking water scheme Yamuna River 72 117581 231.48
  Jalaun Madhepur village group piped drinking water scheme Yamuna River 56 88782 142.29
  Jalaun Kota Mustakil  village group piped drinking water scheme Yamuna River 60 77623 123.42
  Jalaun Ground water based 270 schemes Ground Water (Tube Well) 407 603102 400.36
  Total 801 1231093 1423.49

District Hamirpur

  • Total 491 revenue villages exist in district Hamirpur whose population is 10,28,602.  153 revenue villages out of above mentioned, whose population is 3,96,398, are already covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • Total 02 surface sources based and 125 round water (Tube well) based rural piped drinking water schemes are being constructed to cover the remaining revenue villages of district Hamirpur.
  • A population of 6,32,204 of 338 revenue villages of district Hamirpur is to be benefited with these 127 schemes.
  • Total project cost of 127 schemes, to be constructed in the district, is Rs. 816.44 Crore.

Details of rural piped drinking water schemes in District Lalitpur

Ser. No. District Name of scheme Proposed source for scheme Number of benefited revenue villages Existing population to be benefited Project cost (In Crore Rs.)
  Hamirpur Patora Danda village group piped drinking water scheme Confluence of Yamuna/Betwa river 135 294200 530.35
  Hamirpur Haroulipur village group piped drinking water scheme Yamuna River 32 55290 94.71
  Hamirpur Ground Water based 125 schemes Ground water (Tube Well) 171 282714 191.38
  Total 338 632204 816.44

District - Chitrakoot

  • Total 536 revenue villages exist in district Chitrakoot whose existing population is 9,84,938. Out of above mentioned villages,117 revenue villages, whose population is  1,94,967, are already covered with piped drinking water schemes.
  • Total 04 surface source based and 01 Ground water based rural piped drinking water schemes are being constructed to cover the remaining revenue villages of district Chitrakoot.
  • Total 7,89,971 population of these 419 revenue villages of the district is to be benefited through these 05 schemes. 
  • Total project cost of 05 schemes, to be constructed in the district, is Rs. 1215.05 Crores

Details of rural piped drinking water schemes in District Chitrakoot

Ser. No. District Name of scheme Proposed source for scheme Number of benefited revenue villages Existing population to be benefited Project cost (In Crore Rs.)
  Chitrakoot Chandi Bangar village group piped drinking water scheme Yamuna River 235 465477 612.47
  Chitrakoot Silouta Mustakil village group piped drinking water scheme Yamuna River 65 103886 262.92
  Chitrakoot Raipur village group piped drinking water scheme Gunta Dam 70 145077 240.25
  Chitrakoot Bharthoul village group piped drinking water scheme Barua Dam 47 72951 97.92
  Chitrakoot Pardawan village group piped drinking water scheme Ground Water Based 02 2580 1.49
  Total 419 789971 1215.05